Technical interview Model questions with answers 2019

Technical interview Model questions with answers 2019.

1. Acceptance testing will be done by
a. User
b. Quality control
c. Quality assurance
d. Senior management
1. a
2. Main objective of configuration management
a. Maintain baseline for each version
b. Build software libraries
c. Get the right change installed at the right time
2. c
3. Customers will be get supported from these people for their problems
a. Helpdesk
4. Unit testing is a
a. White box testing
b. Black box testing
c. Stress testing
5. a
5. Before doing integration testing this testing must have been done
a. Unit testing
b. Systems testing
c. Stress testing
6. Cost of quality
a. Appraisal, failure and preventive
7. 4 types of testing
a. System, unit, integration, acceptance
8. There are 7 problem analysis tools. Which of the following is not one
a. Flow chart
b. Scatter plot
c. Variance analysis
11. Given the following costs:
User documentation – $ 1000 Rework – $ 1000
Design – $ 400 Review of User Documents – $ 1000
Code review – $ 1000
The cost of Quality is
a. $3000
b. $4000
c. $5000
12. Metric to measure operational reliability
b. Defect density
13. The programmer writes a program step-by-step following this:
a. Procedure
b. Checklist
c. Process
d. Check sheet
14.Testing (including fixing the problem) is app. 50% of total product
development cost
a. True
b. False
15. JIT is used only for inventory control by toyota
a. True
b. False
16. What is 6 sigma
a. 34 per 1,000
b. 34 per 1,00,000
c. 34 per 1,000,000
d. 34 per 10,000,000 (its 34 not 3.4 😛 )
17. Mean and median are
a. Central tendency
b. Variation
18. An example of deployment of a quality approach is:
a. The degree to which the approach embodies effective evaluation cycles
b. The appropriate and effective application to all product and service
c. The effectiveness of the use of tools, techniques, and methods
d. The contribution of outcomes and effects to quality improvement
e. The significance of improvement to the company’s business
19.The concept of continuous improvement as applied to quality means
a. Employees will continue to get better
b. Processes will be improved by a lot of small improvements
c. Processes will be improved through a few large improvements
d. Improved technology will be added to the process, such as acquiring CASE
e. The functionality of the products will be enhanced
20. Quality is
a. Meeting requirements
b. Zero defects
c. Customer satisfaction
d. All of the above
a. a & c only
21. Systems are audited after implementation to determine whether or not the
system met standards. This is an example of
a. Detective control
b. Quality control
c. Quality Assurance
d. Corrective control
e. None of the above

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