IARI phd Entrance 2006 Question Paper with Answer Keys

IARI phd Entrance 2006 Question Paper with Answer Keys.

IARI phd Entrance 2006 Question Paper with Answer Keys Free Download General Agriculture (Paper I) 2006 Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) Exam 2006 Question Paper and answers

1. Alternate host of P. graminis triticii is

(A) Berberis (B) Prusiner

(C) D’Herelle (D) Biener

2. TRYSEM was introduced in the year

(A) 1989 (B) 1978

(C) 1982 (D) 1979

3. First discovered bacterial disease of plants

(A) Fire blight (B) Downy mildew

(C) Chestnut blight (D) Late blight

4. A day neutral plant is

(A) Maize (B) Wheat

(C) Barley (D) Rice

5. An international pest?

(A) Helicoverpa (B) Spodoptera

(C) Schistocera (D) Pectinophora

6. Term genetics was coined by

(A) Johnson (B) Batson

(C) Punnet (D) Morgan

7. The most common form of DNA is



8. Whip tail of cauliflower is the deficiency of

(A) B (B) Ca

(C) Mo (D) Mn

9. NRC for orchids is at

(A) Cochin (B) Gangtok

(C) Bangalore (D) Pune

10. Which represents median?

(A) Second quartile (B) 5th deciles

(C) 50th percentile (D) All

11. The relation between AM, GM, HM


(C) GM<HM<AM (D) Any one

12. Which one is the Indian Sugarcane?

(A) Sachharum officinarum (B) S. Spontaneum

(C) S. Barberea (D) S. Spondium

13. Concentration of carbon dioxide in Atmosphere

(A) 330 ppm (B) 350 ppm

(C) 370 ppm (D) 400 ppm

14. Which one is macroni wheat?

(A) T. Dicoccum (B) T. aestivum

(C) T. Vulgare (D) T. Durum

15. In Rice crop which biofertilizer is commonly used

(A) Azatovacter (B) Azospirillum

(C) Azolla (D) Frankia

16. Which one is macroni wheat ?

(A) T. Dicocum (B) T, aestirum

(C) T. Vulgare (D) T. Durum

17. Which is the Monophagus Pest

(A) Rice Hispa (B) Gall Midge

(C) Yellow Stem borer (D) Leaf Roller

18. Silver shoot is due to

(A) Rice Hispa (B) Gall Midge

(C) Yellow stem borer (D) Leaf Roller

19. Loose smut of wheat is

(A) Extemary seed born (B) Soil born

(C) Internary seeed born (D) All

20. Polymer of different mono saccharides is termed as

(A) Muco polysaccharide (B) Homo poly saccharides

(C) Hetro polysaccharides (D) Oligo poly saccharides

21. Which of the following sequence of minerals is correct as per their degree of

decreasing weathering resistance?

(A) Muscovite<Gypsum<Olivine<Quartz

(B) Olivine<Muscovite<Gypsum<Quartz

(C) Gypsum<Olivine<Muscovite<Quartz

(D) Quartz<Muscovite<Gypsum<Olivine

22. Vitamin B12 contains

(A) Mo (B) Co

(C) Cu (D) Ca

23. KVK was started in

(A) 1975 (B) 1974

(C) 1979 (D) 1970

24. ……….. is the only carbohydrate of animal origin in man’s food supply is

(A) Sucrose (B) Lactose

(C) Glucose (D) Glycogen

25. Molya disease is caused due to

(A) Fungi (B) Bacteria

(C) Mycoplasma (D) Nematode

26. The statistical test used to determine the goodness of fit is

(A) Z-test (B) F-test

(C) t- test (D) Chi- square test

27. The cartigen quato protocol for agriculture product was came in the year of

(A) 2004 (B) 2003

(C) 2005 (D) 1998

28. Components of prokaryotic ribosome are

(A) 50s & 20s (B) 40s & 30s

(C) 60s & 40s (D) 50s & 30s

29. Plasma membrane is

(A) Permeable (B) Non permeable

(C) Selectively permeable (D) Partially permeable

30. Pahala blight of sugarcane is due to the deficiency of

(A) B (B) Zn

(C) Mg (D) Mn

Answer Keys

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. D 28. C 29. C 30.

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