NCHMCT JEE Aptitude for Service Sector Question Papers

NCHMCT JEE Aptitude for Service Sector Question Papers.

If you want to be successful, you should be
(1) grossly over confident (2) confident
(3) under confident (4) over confident

If you have just been denied promotion and your junior has been selected, what should you do?
(1) Leave the organisation
(2) Abuse the junior for manipulation and protest against the management
(3) Move the court
(4) Talk to your boss, bring out your contribution and ask for reconsideration

If you happen to on the spot of a road accident, where a person is injured, what should you do?
(1) Call the police (2) Inform the injured person’s relative
(3) Provide him first-aid, if you can (4) Avoid the scene of accident

In case you get angry on some issue, you should
(1) display your anger by shouting and give vent to your anger
(2) avoid the situation
(3) try to reason and delay your reactions
(4) distract your attention from the issue

You would like to be friendly with a person who is
(1) clever and smart (2) simple and honest
(3) extrovert and dominating (4) quiet and withdrawn

While selecting a candidate for a service industry job, you will go for a candidate who is
(1) highly academic (2) social and helpful
(3) quiet and an introvert (4) responsible

If you happen to come across a girl child, who has unfortunately got separated from the parents in the
crowd, you would
(1) enquire about her parents and help her as the need be
(2) hand over the child to people around
(3) inform the police
(4) ignore to avoid any hassle

In case you happen to witness a family quarrel in your immediate neighbourhood, you would
(1) ignore and forget
(2) inform other neighbours and try to intervene
(3) shout and tell them not to make noise
(4) inform police

When you see a clustre of slums in your neighbourhood, what comes to your mind?
(1) Slums should be immediately removed to a far off place
(2) Slums are a scar on our cities
(3) Persons living in slums should also have a place to live
(4) Try and ignore the issue

On receipt of bad performance review, you would
(1) become extremely angry
(2) be disappointed and frustrated
(3) try and take criticism in stride and learn some lessons
(4) go and fight with your boss

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